Thursday, October 25, 2007

The 11th Hour!

WUAH!!! Mere weeks to go (due date Nov. 22)! Here's Ash in all her bellylicious glory! The other pics are from the baby shower thrown by the church. BLANKETS seem to be the in thing to give... we've got TONS! Also, you'll note our "Babymaids". We thought... why not? Brides have bridesmaids! Introducing: Katie "Adon's Personal Stylist", Chelsea "Adon's Karaoke Coach", and Meghan "Adon's Karate Instructor"!


Meredith said...

Great new pictures. Ashley, you're looking terrific for only having a few weeks to go. Dave and I have been thinking about you. Good luck in the home stretch.

Anonymous said...

I realize you have been a little busy, however we are anxious to see our newest Buckeye!!!

Carol Shaw