Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A New England Thanksgiving [Rockport, MA]

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Thanksgiving day started with Nate & J. joining 9,100 people for the Feaster Five 5 mile/5k run in Andover, MA. Nate finished 46th overall and 9th in his age group. J. ... FINISHED!
This was the first Hausman holiday with baby Makeda Heirut. She is cousin Valerie's daughter from Ethiopia and is only 1 month younger than Steph and Tom's daughter Flannery.
The traditional post-meal family walk!
This was a combined birthday party for the "young" cousins!
The "old" cousins!
Flannery, Adon, and Makeda

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Adon's 1st Haircut

Adon got his first real haircut today [11/12/09] from a close friend of the family, Lori VanCise! He did really good due in large part to a steady supply of M&M's being pumped into his system by Mommy while Daddy took pictures!
~ Click on any picture to ENLARGE it ~

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick-Or-Treat 2009

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[pictures are NOT print quality]
Adon's first Trick-or-Treat - Kicked it off in N. Warren with the Reinard boys and then wrapped things up at the church Fall Festival. Our little bee was all buzzed out by the end of the night!