Saturday, June 9, 2007

The current family (minus the cat)

So, our friends John and Christi just sent out a massive e-mail and I took advantage of a good ol' "Reply All" to catch anyone on there who may know us! This is for you. It's what the family looks like (pre-baby Fall of 06). Just so you know how bald I've gotten since you last saw me 6-8 years ago! The dogs are Cooper and Bo and the pic is minus our cat, Sammi. We are in Warren, PA where I am the Youth Pastor at the Warren 1st Church of the Nazarene, and Ashley is a Veterinary Assistant at a local clinic.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

We would like to thank Carole Shaw (aka ~ Missy's mom) from the great state of O-H-I-O for the super cool OSU Buckeye Baby Basket!!! Thanks to all who have already donated maternity clothes and baby items. They are all greatly appreciated... this was just SUPER COOL! Go Bucks! Also, we are Steelers fans, Yankee fans, and Cleveland Cavalier fans... if you were wondering what gear to force upon the child!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

WELCOME to the Grand Opening of the Maier Family BLOG! Basically, it's a hassle to e-mail pictures so we're making you come to us. I can't guarantee how often this will be updated but do stay tuned for the progress of baby Maier (or as some have come to call ~ Fetus)!
This is Ash at 3 mos. + 1 week. Due date is 11/22/07 THANKSGIVING! Did you know that the actual medical count is based on 40 weeks? Do the math... that doesn't equal 9 mos. It's messed up but since the world thinks 9 mos. I will continue to annoy Ashley by going off of the 9 mos. calendar. She would tell you differently and to add 2 weeks = 15! So yeah, we will try and update about anything involving us, the baby, the dogs and cat... and whatever. Lots of love until we post again ~ J.