Monday, October 29, 2007

I had a dream!

So, I had a dream Saturday night October 27th, 2007… a metaphorical dream. My studies in psychology have led to a rather amusing muse with dreams. Albeit my own or that of others. I rarely believe in the hokey pokey interpretations and settle for the common explanation that dreams are a way in which our subconscious creatively reveals itself. Oddly though, often in a blended and mixed match kind of way.

I found myself responsible for backing a large piece of earth moving equipment out of a very tight parking space in an even more ridiculously tight parking lot. If you live in Warren I liken this to the absurd engineering that is the Bi-Lo parking lot. Anyway, I was neither afraid or hesitant as it was clear in my mind that this had to be done. There were a few others waiting on me and one assuring me. He seemed to know what needed done yet was reluctant to trade me places… happy to guide from behind and let me know that he trusted me. Strange though… I had a Kwik-Fill coffee cup in my hand? Feel free to chime in with your thoughts but it may just be that I love coffee! So with coffee (a large) in hand I put the machine, of which I was completely foreign too yet somehow knew how to shift gears, into reverse and began the journey. Destination unknown, sitting behind the wheel of a HUGE responsibility, others watching on while one sat behind assured that I could, I should, and I would while providing the grace to do so! (2 Cor. 1:12) ~ J.

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