Sunday, October 31, 2010

Port Farm / Toddler Time / Trick or Treat

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Pregnancy: Weeks 16, 20, & 24

Week #24

Week #20

Week #16

SuperKwik 1/2 Marathon [Warren, PA] 10/9/2010

One and a half years has passed since I began running. Words can't describe the journey of self-discipline and self-exploration God has led me on over that time. On October 9, 2010 it all finally came together in accomplishing what I would have once thought was impossible... a 13.1 mile race across the Kinzua Reservoir, into the hills of the Allegheny National Forest, and down into our hometown of Warren, PA.

[Click on any picture to ENLARGE it]
[Robert Ross, Mike Kiehl, Emily Onuffer, J. Maier]
Above is a pre-race picture of participants from our church!
Robert has factored significantly into this journey as he has accompanied me on every major mileage accomplishment in my training. He serves as coach, confidant, friend, and a trusted brother in Christ! It was absolutely wonderful to literally share this run with him!
A very emotional finish was finding Ashley and Adon awaiting me about 10 yards from the finish line. I was able to scoop up Adon and carry him across with me. Finishing in just barely under 2 hours and 16 minutes I was extremely satisfied with the results! It takes a lot of time to train for something like this and my family has made the greatest sacrifice to allow for that. Sharing this finish with them is the greatest memory I have!