The Weekend: Saturday Ash had to work so Adon and I held it down until G&G Hausman came for lunch. Hung out with them for the afternoon and laid low. Saturday night was a great night. Went to a Jamestown Jets hockey game with my bud Aaron and about 17 of our students. The hockey was good... Tim Horton's was hot... and one of our students almost got hit by a puck! Sunday was busy!!! Usual church stuff and I was pleased to see both Wes & his daddy Mike rocking their #86 jerseys to church! It was a busy sports day as the CAVS & Pistons squared off early in the day and of course the Steelers took the Cards in a doozy of a game... nauseating actually! Ash felt secure with a 13 pt. lead at the half and headed to bed. So there I was left all alone to anguish the entire second half. My perseverance was rewarded! Pictures at the bottom of the post!
Adon: Not so good as a fever peaked it's head late Saturday afternoon and has remained through this post. We've stayed home with since Sunday and I took him to the Doc on Monday only to find out it's a double ear infection... again... like # kazillion! He's upstairs right now SleepWheezing!
Things to do: I've been swimming in unorganized mail for the last three weeks. Taxes, Insurance, Medical statements... grown-up junk! I really need to get at that as paper swallows our house and clutters my nerves!
Grateful for: FACEBOOK ~ I've been able to connect with a ton of friends from New Albany! It's been really nice... as well as highly addictive! Ash has also been in daily contact with her college roomie, Trisha (icia???), which has been great (e-mail as she's not on FB yet).
MOVIE to Watch: FIREPROOF ~ Married, divorced, single... whatever! We all need to digest the truths of this movie!
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