Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Underage and Accidental

Wow... his hair is getting kinda unruly.  Do you think you can "trim" it up?  
Sure! (click beard trimmer to size #9)  Well, that didn't cut much.  No, it didn't.  (click beard trimmer down to size #7... proceed to "trim" down the middle of Adon's head)  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? ... tears tears!

I've learned that, although it will grow back, the worst part is that I cut Adon's "baby" hair.  It's not so much that a buzz cut is bad (maybe for December in NW PA)... it's that Ash wasn't ready for him to become a toddler let alone lose his "baby" hair.  Yes, I cut the baby off of his head... forever!  I get it and I do feel bad even if I processed it all a little differently.  It really was an accident.  


The4Scotts said...

oh poor Ash. :(
Give her a hug for me.

preachinmoose08 said...

Got your message...poor Adon and Ashley...you're such a jerk J! Just kidding with you...hey I actually put some visual stimulation on my personal blog this week...but you've already seen it probably! But it's revolutionary for me to do such a thing ;-)...see you in 2 weeks!

my word verification was: bratuen
meaning: you have a bra-tu-en your gift bag too?

Riley'sMom said...

I did the same thing to Riley about that age and we've kept it that way ever since because it's easy to maintain and he's got a pesky cowlick right in front. I think it's super cute on Adon!