Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Family Portraits

So, here's the official 1st Family Portrait. Left to Right: (back row) Ashley, J. (front row) Cooper, Adon, Bo ~ (in absentia: Sammi "the cat"). Photo taken by: UNCLE NATE

Wow, four weeks this Thursday (12/13) ... that has gone really fast which is shocking since we've been awake most of that time. Don't get me wrong because according to all the horror stories that people like to tell... Adon is an amazingly good baby. He sleeps great for 3 hours at a time it's just that getting back to sleep is really hard for Dad... Mom is getting the hang of it! By the way, 4 AM is NOT a good time to balance the check book no matter how awake you may seem!

The kid has serious issues with gas, flatulence, InSaNe MeThAnE... you get the picture and I can tell you who he gets it from = Grandma H. & the early AM tooting comes from GrandPops Maier (who "passed" the skill on to me as well)! Oooohhhh, I'm going to get in trouble for that but it's true! He's more aware of his surroundings and loves to recline in his Boppy pillow. Now he's just counting down the days until Christmas... I'm sure we all know whose going to have the biggest pile of presents this year!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. ~ James 1:17

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