Saturday, June 2, 2007

WELCOME to the Grand Opening of the Maier Family BLOG! Basically, it's a hassle to e-mail pictures so we're making you come to us. I can't guarantee how often this will be updated but do stay tuned for the progress of baby Maier (or as some have come to call ~ Fetus)!
This is Ash at 3 mos. + 1 week. Due date is 11/22/07 THANKSGIVING! Did you know that the actual medical count is based on 40 weeks? Do the math... that doesn't equal 9 mos. It's messed up but since the world thinks 9 mos. I will continue to annoy Ashley by going off of the 9 mos. calendar. She would tell you differently and to add 2 weeks = 15! So yeah, we will try and update about anything involving us, the baby, the dogs and cat... and whatever. Lots of love until we post again ~ J.

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