Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Peace & Rest

We all intrinsically desire peace & rest. It pervades our physical, emotional, and spiritual longings. We unfortunately have often become so turned off by spiritual representatives that we try and focus that search and place our hope in the political and intellectual. Well, you won't ever find peace in the political arena (historically proven). The intellectual on the other hand is the desire to pursue... but pursue what? I mean... doesn't that need to be identified. In fact, go ahead and pursue disproving something but at least you've got a focus... and you may be shocked at the proof you find!?!?

John 14: 27 ~ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Matthew 11:28-29 ~ "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and 
I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

These are the words of Jesus... not of a politician, world leader, mega church Pastor... Jesus who at the very least legitimately WAS someone (then & more so now) that the world took significant interest in, and as a historical figure has not been disproved... nor has his way of BEING! Who is Jesus beyond that? Well, critics from then until now have and continue to pursue that question... as do you and I... at least at some point.

Allow me to apologize on behalf of anyone who has ever represented... and subsequently embarrassed Jesus simultaneously. I'm not Jesus... they aren't either! You may have searched your candidate, political party, philosophical standing, or reason for being a Buffalo Bills fan... and whatever else you hold closely... but do you have peace and rest? When life is not peaceful and rest will not come... do you still have it? 

At the age of 18 I encountered Jesus... not the church, not a charismatic orator (in fact, it was a very humble and simple man), not an emotionally fueled concert/worship service... simply Jesus in a field in Ohio. A field in Ohio? Really? Well, he did like to hang out in the countryside after all... I guess he found peace and rest there!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How Adon got his Nickname

A BOOGIE DOWN Production

This sequence was inspired by Adon's favorite movie CARS and the Rascal Flatt's "Life is a Highway"

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Rent this Movie:  HENRY POOLE IS HERE

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sidewalk Sledding

Click on the pic to ENLARGE

Yeah, we totally went sledding down the sidewalk of our street!!!  That's how we roll... err... sled!  Adon was pretty unsure of the whole experience so we only went 3 times.  NO, we didn't get hit by the snowplow (watch video below)!

the week that was:
- WINTER WAS this past week BIG TIME!  The blustry snowy stuff started mid-afternoon Tuesday prompting the cancellation of all church activities including youth group.  The deep freeze began Wednesday and we didn't break double digits again until Sunday.  Wednesday and Thursday night dipped into the (-)'s  About 4 inches of snow fell over that period and an additional 3-4 fell Saturday night.

- Sunday:  Spent 1.5 hours clearing snow after church when Ash got the idea to go sidewalk sledding with Adon.  There will be a whole post devoted to this!  The rest of the day was filled with reading for class and watching 2 amazing football games.   STEELERS WIN again and are Super Bowl bound against the AZ Cardinals on Feb. 1st   People around here are really really excited.  Super Bowl Sunday will border on a religious experience for most!

where i am at the moment: Couch!  Adon is crabbing and really needs to fall back asleep.  He's had a few days with only one 1 hour nap and that DOESN'T work.  He becomes really aggressive when he's tired and the dogs tend to suffer the wrath... plus, he doesn't listen to mom and dad when he's tired.  Ironically, we watched the HULK on Friday night!

on my to-do list this week: Reading, Homework, Reading, Homework...

procrastinating about: See above ^ Although, I did start reading my texts last week!

book I'm in the midst of: Above mentioned texts 

music that seemed to catch my attention this past week: song: Your Grace is Enough

grand revelations this past week: Simply Apple... is Simply Amazing!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snowy Day

Click on any picture to ENLARGE it

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Update (A New Thing... stolen from a friend)

Disclaimer ~ My buddy Aaron does this (almost) every Monday.  I find his blog to be a really good read.  In fact, I was honored to find a link to our blog on his list of "Blogs I Read Weekly"... which is funny because I don't post weekly.  Thanks "A."!  Moving on... I will eventually have my own list of recommendations in Blogosphere and certainly recommend Aarons!  He's got a good handle on his A.D.D. and it really seems to add nicely to his blogging!  

the weekend that was:
- After over a year off (b/c of Adon) I was set to begin ordination classes again this weekend.  I'm only 6 classes away from completing my course of study and will be gone every other weekend Jan. - June.  All of NW PA was calling for snow as well as the Pittsburgh area.  Traveled to Butler on Friday... class dismissed at 10:30 AM Saturday due to the heavy amount of snowfall on the ground and projected sleet and freezing rain.  It took me almost 4 hours to make the 100 mile drive.  My GPS recorded an average of 28.9 mph!  Arrived home to the joy of a quick meal and an hour-and-a-half of running the snow-blower!

- Mom and Pops H. were here on Saturday... rocked some Pizza Hut and then I was out working the snow.  I don't really remember Saturday night due to the P.T.S.D. of the day???

- Sunday I shared with the teens some scriptures from Paul regarding marriage.  a)  Marriage doesn't erase Gods purpose for us as individuals (1 Cor. 7:17).  b)  Marriage is the combining of two complicated lives to equal... a bigger complication but at least you've got someone along for the ride (1 Cor. 7:28).  A few other random things happened:  Ash was told (by the teens) to grab my butt to imitate how people who are "infatuated" act in school, and that going #2 with your spouse in the bathroom is a part of intimacy reserved for marriage... it was a good time!

- Sunday PM:  CONNECTIONS (which is a combined program) with Aaron's group at the YMCA!  Extreme Dodge-Ball/Musical Chairs without music... ask Aaron about that one!  Good Lesson for all about doing what Jesus tells us to.  Oh yeah... STEELERS WIN

where i am at the moment: Kitchen table / Adon's napping / I'm making Burr-Aco's for dinner so I don't have to do it after weight-lifting.

on my to-do list this week: Start weight-lifting again (Mon. & Thurs.).  Ash had to do some extra work in November and December was just psychotic so I haven't lifted in a long time.  I feel flubby and lazy!  Tuesday night is already mapped out and will be part 2 of a lesson on not letting others change how we view and feel about God!  Nothing else to note as of now.

procrastinating about: Reading assignments for my class.  It's a history class with three texts... I SHOULD read a little each day... I'll LIKELY start that next Monday.

book I'm in the midst of: Above mentioned texts / New issue of American Iron Magazine

music that seemed to catch my attention this past week: Starfield's latest disc I WILL GO [specifically the song "Reign In Us"] / Scott Phillips latest Cd LAST STOP WILLOUGHBY

grand revelations this past week: 
We got a "Spoonula" for Christmas.  Both Ash and I think it's a mighty useful utensil!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Maier Christmas/New Year

We left New Year's eve for our annual Christmas/New Year visit with the Maier family at Cinnamon Lake.  Christian Claus stopped by with his bag full of goodies and his helper Gracie elf! 

Despite what most think... I really would like to see Adon learn a "musical" instrument before learning the drums!

Grandma would you buy these shoes... for my daddy please?  It's Christmas time and these shoes are just his size!

Jacob & Sarah Scott recently moved back from a three year stay in Arizona so they made the trek north to reunite and meet the little dude!  It was a very tender moment when Ash and Sarah saw each other.