HE's HERE! Adon John Maier made a speedy entrance (7 hours from the start of contractions! Natural birth... on accident!) November 15, 2007 @ 3:48 PM weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. at a lengthy 21.5 inches. He's got BIG hands and feet! Mom and Baby are doing great and his first OSU game was a BUCKEYE WIN over Michigan!!!
So, this is our little spot on the world-wide-web where you can basically see everything... Adon! Sure, there's a little of J. & Ashley but you see... we're just too busy taking pictures of our lil' roaming gnome!
Ashley Currently Reading:
Guys are Waffles Girls are Spaghetti (click Pic for link)
J. Currently Reading:
CrAzY Love ~ Francis Chan (click pic for link)
Feel Free to check our other BLOGS
Below are (2) other BLOGS we maintain. The first is just a spot to display some formal photography and the like... we don't update it as much! The second is of the Youth Group where J. is the Youth Pastor in Warren, PA! Just CLICK on the pictures to instantly transport yourself through time and space to these other BLOGS!